Google IO sessions for Chrome OS, Android Q and more -Google Reveals - Brainiest Techie

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Google IO sessions for Chrome OS, Android Q and more -Google Reveals

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Google I/O is less than a month away, but the schedule is still in flux. The initial list of presentations and sessions was announced late last last month, but now many more sessions have been added to the list, including talks about Android Q and Chrome OS.

For Chrome OS, there's an Adapting Android Games Beyond the Phone session scheduled for May 7th at 6pm, which aims to help developers get their Android games running on Chrome OS. There are also events about using the Linux system on Chromebooks and audio programming on Chrome OS (and Android).

On the topic of Android Q, are are now sessions for working with Android Q's new privacy requirements, changes to system performance in Q, and designing dark themes for Material apps. The event descriptions don't reveal anything of interest, but hopefully we'll learn more about Android Q during the talks (and the keynote).

Finally, three more fireside chats have been added. There's one with Geoffrey Hinton (a deep learning engineer at Google), one with Google SVP Hiroshi Lockheimer, and one with the Google X division. I/O 2019 is shaping up to be an exciting event!

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